What is What is Career Readiness Courseware and why is it important?

Ready to Work Courseware

Ever wonder When will I ever use this?”  

Ready to Work Courseware teaches workplace application and foundational skills to use on-the-job.

  • See real life examples of how to use your current skills on the job
  • Increase your workplace skills acumen
  • Available 24/7 from any internet-connected device
  • Scoped and sequenced study
  • Placement test to begin at ability-appropriate levels 

Doing well on the Career Readiness Courseware puts you on a path to success.

Career Readiness Courseware measures the level of readiness in foundational academic skills that focuses on communication, reasoning, and problem-solving   skills required for today's jobs and careers from entry level to professional.  It prepares you for the Ready to Work Credential which employers value and lead to greater opportunities for you. See what each level means.

CRC Courseware Certificate

Once you have completed all three courseware titled, Applied Math, Locating Information, and Reading for Information, you will complete a post assessment to determine your skill level in one of the four levels - Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. Your certificate will demonstrate the level earned overall and the individual level for each of the three academic foundational levels. If you are satisfied with the level earned, you can print out and share your certificate of completion or you can go back into the courseware and advance to earn the skill level you are seeking to achieve.